With the help of our detailed guide, learn the craft of creating successful test cases for manual testing. Learn the fundamentals of test case design, comprehend industry best practices, and obtain knowledge of comprehensive test coverage.

This guide will help you create deterministic test cases that produce trustworthy results in manual testing, regardless of your level of experience as a manual tester.

efficient test case documentation: manual tester's 30% strategy

What Is A Test Case?

What Is A Test Case?

Test cases are discrete stages in software testing that include data, postconditions and prerequisites to enable feature verification.

Test cases are a prearranged series of circumstances or actions designed to demonstrate whether a system or piece of software works as planned, including an explanation of inputs, prerequisites, actions to take and expected results.

Test cases should focus on certain features or aspects of the programme to ensure its goals and specifications are fulfilled.

Executing test cases aims at uncovering any bugs or flaws within the programme so they may be addressed prior to its release for user consumption.

The following features should help you better comprehend test cases:

  • Creating Test Cases Both Manually and Automatically: Test cases may be created automatically or manually.
  • Manual Test Case Creation and Execution: To confirm that the application functions as intended, the tester drafts manual testing cases and adheres to the specified procedures.
  • Automated Test Case Execution with Test Tools: Test cases that are automated and adhere to Software Requirement Specification (SRS) are carried out using test tools and frameworks.
  • Methodical Approach to Functionality Assessment: It offers an organized method for confirming that software programmes work as intended.
  • Independence of Test Cases: Since they are independent of one another, the outcome of one test case shouldn't affect the outcome of another.
  • Managed Performance Setting for Test Cases: Without affecting the software production environment, you can run the test case in a controlled setting, guaranteeing the availability of all required resources.

A Detailed Tutorial On Writing Manual Test Cases

A Detailed Tutorial On Writing Manual Test Cases

How Can We Write Manual Test Cases Quickly and Efficiently? In two lines, here's my best attempt: First to determine which functionality or feature needs testing; and second to assess and verify functionality by creating test cases that specify specific actions - here are specific procedures for creating them:

Test Case Id

At this step, the tester should identify their test case using an easily remembered name or code to help make future recall of this test case easier and simpler.

Test Case Description

Testers typically explain each test case they conduct by providing information such as its purpose and expected behavior, such as using examples such as an "Example of Test Synopsis: Log into Application with Login/Password Pair Provided on Online Platform When user logs in they should successfully be able to log-in successfully into application home page

Also Read: Click Wisdom: Key Benefits of Automated vs. Manual Testing


Any prerequisites that must be met in order for the test case to function correctly will be recorded by the tester.

It could involve running some older tests by hand or adjusting some configuration parameters at first. One example of a precondition in testing would be that the hardware, operating system, and software in the test environment must all be exactly the same as in the production environment.

Test Steps

The tester will record all of the specific actions required to carry out the test case. This involves selecting the appropriate test-related actions as well as potential data sources.

Example steps for our login test:

  • Launch the test login application
  • Provide an appropriate username and password in the appropriate fields
  • Please select Login from the Menu bar
  • Confirm that the user was successfully authenticated
  • Check to see if the user has left by logging off or closing their browser tabs

Test Data

The tester will define any necessary test data. A set of erroneous usernames and passwords would be the test data, for instance, if the test case needed to verify that login attempts are unsuccessful with invalid credentials.

Expected Result

The test's anticipated outcome will be supplied by the tester. The tester wants to confirm this outcome.An example of defining expected results would be:

  • It should be possible for a user to click the login button after entering a legitimate username and password.
  • The user's credentials should be verified by the application before access is allowed.
  • Click the login button; the invalid user should not be able to enter the valid password and username.
  • The user's credentials should be rejected by the application, and a suitable error message should appear.

Post Condition

Any cleanup required following the execution of the test case will be supplied by the tester. This entails clearing out files generated during the test case or going back to the previous settings.

For instance:

  • After entering legitimate login information, the user can log in successfully
  • The appropriate error message is displayed to the user after they enter invalid credentials
  • The user's login information is safely kept for upcoming access
  • After logging in successfully, the user is taken to the relevant page
  • Without logging in, the user cannot access the page
  • User data is not accessible without authorization

Actual Result

The test's actual outcome will be recorded by the tester. When the test was run, the tester saw this outcome.Example: The user is successfully logged in and is shown the welcome page after entering the correct username and password.


The test's progress will be reported by the tester. The test is deemed successful if the expected and actual results agree.

The test is considered to have failed if they do not match.

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Features Of Test Cases

Features Of Test Cases

The primary goal of developers and testers is to produce high-caliber software programmes that satisfy user needs and are free of errors.

Writing testing cases that cover every major feature and component of software applications is the best way to accomplish this. Below are the following features of test cases:

  • Include all aspects of the software application: The extensive range of testing cases addresses every facet of the software's usability, functionality, and dependability.

    Stated differently, it encompasses every conceivable method by which users can engage with the software programme while utilizing it.

    They address every situation a user might run into when utilizing an application.

    Let's say you are testing an online application that permits users to register for accounts.

    Then, among other things, it could be necessary to create a new account or to create one with an invalid email address or a weak password.

  • Clear and concise: They don't contain any technical jargon and are written in an approachable manner.

    This clarifies it and enables its execution without leaving the testers perplexed.

  • Revised and updated: Organizational priorities and end-user preferences influence the changes in software requirements.

    To make sure that it functions from beginning to end, you must start the testing process.

    The testing cases must be adjusted appropriately for this.

    They will therefore probably be updated and changed.

  • Involve clustering: Written test cases are run in a specific order or group in a test scenario.

    In these cases, a testing case's prerequisite applies to subsequent cases in a comparable order.

  • Repeatable and reproducible: Software applications can be tested repeatedly using test cases without requiring any changes.

    The same testing cases can be run repeatedly with comparable outcomes.

    This will guarantee the consistency of the software testing procedure and enable you to find bugs that might not be found in a single run.Additionally, you can confirm that the previously found bug has been fixed and make sure that any new modifications do not bring any new bugs.

  • Include expected outcome: Written test cases contain the preconditions and expected result of the software application being tested.

    This indicates that they have predetermined setup requirements that must be satisfied before the software testing process begins and post-testing expected results.

    Software testing in a test environment will be consistent and organized when you take into account the preconditions and expected outcomes of the testing case.

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We have read extensively about manual testing thus far. It is possible to guarantee that a software product works as intended and that errors are found by creating comprehensive and effective test cases and carrying them out.

Replicating actions taken in the software and confirming that the outcomes are accurate and consistent should be part of the manual testing process for test cases. Finding problems will be made easier with a methodical approach to creating test cases that have robust input and output validations, providing the tester with a comprehensive understanding of any software product.

Full Stack Developer

Paul is a highly skilled Full Stack Developer with a solid educational background that includes a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Software Engineering, as well as a decade of hands-on experience. Certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and Agile Scrum Master bolster his knowledge. Paul's excellent contributions to the software development industry have garnered him a slew of prizes and accolades, cementing his status as a top-tier professional. Aside from coding, he finds relief in her interests, which include hiking through beautiful landscapes, finding creative outlets through painting, and giving back to the community by participating in local tech education programmer.

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