In terms of android app permissions, your mobile strategy can only be successful if it provides users with real value.

This implies that all of its essential features must be accessible to and used by users. This is a fundamental idea in app development. However, issues may arise if your app requires access to specific private data to function as intended.

Consider a retail app that provides users with information about pertinent sales or products. When they are close to one of the brand's physical stores, these alerts may appear.

The app can only send these alerts when the user grants it permission to access their location. Some users become fearful when they receive alerts about permission control. You don't want a customer to stop using your product because they were uncomfortable granting the required authorizations for it to function.

For this reason, it's critical to remember the best practices for Android permissions listed below.

If you know what kinds of permissions to avoid and how to apply them effectively, you'll have a lot more success getting users on board.

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Best Practices For Permissions In Android Apps

Best Practices For Permissions In Android Apps

Request Permission Through The App When Needed

Just because they installed an app doesn't mean that the average user loves it. Apps lose 80% of their users after three days of being downloaded.

Receiving constant requests to grant permissions could result in this happening more frequently. As a result, it's preferable to only ask for consent to access extra information when a user tries to use a feature that needs it.

Additionally, before releasing the product, try to make the necessary changes if there are ways to make the feature work on iPhone or Android without requesting additional permissions.

Notable here is that Android now makes the process of requesting permissions easier; apps now request their respective rights while operating rather than before complete installation, thanks to improvements to its app permission control features.

Permissions for iOS apps work in the same way. When users attempt to access features that require specific permissions, you can send requests on iPhones and related devices using Apple's permission settings.

Thanks to privacy controls on iOS and Android, your app can only request data to access private information when necessary.

Keep this in mind when deciding how, when, and why your product should request access to this data.

Use An App Permission Manager To Examine Your Product

Applications like the Android app permissions manager allow users to see a breakdown of the permissions they have set for each installed app and ratings that indicate the degree of safety or risk associated with each one.

Use a variety of permission manager tools to ensure your app is not flagged before releasing it. One of the most fundamental best practices for iOS and Android permissions is this one.

Describe The Need For Authorization On Android Devices

When users understand why an app needs certain permissions, they are more likely to grant them. They want to know why using their camera, location, or other similar data is necessary for your product to function.

Additionally, they want to feel secure in the knowledge that your app won't divulge this information to outside parties. Transparency, even when applied on a small scale, can be very helpful to users. When your app requests access, provide a brief justification as to why this permission is necessary, and users will feel more at ease about changing it if need be.

As part of explaining how denying essential Android or iOS app permission will have a detrimental impact on user experiences with an application, make sure they fully grasp why turning down any request could decrease its potential value and ultimately impact its value to them.

Keep abreast of changing permission controls across different operating systems to stay aware of when and how users request permissions from apps; keeping up with developments regarding Android permissions will ensure users can fully utilize your product or service. Keeping pace will increase user adoption.

Also Read: Android Accessibility Mastery: Achieving 30% Increase in Inclusivity

Permissions In Android 6.0+

Android 6.0 (API level 23) and later allow apps to ask the user for permissions while the app is running instead of installing it.

As a result, apps are able to ask for permissions only when they genuinely need the services or data they protect. Although this doesn't (necessarily) alter the behavior of the app as a whole, it does bring about a few modifications that are pertinent to the handling of sensitive user data.

Increased Situational Context

When using the features covered by those permission groups, users are asked for permission at runtime within the context of your application.

Users are more perceptive to the context in which permissions are requested, so it's critical to give them a thorough explanation of your request if there is a discrepancy between what you're asking for and the goal of your app. You should explain your request to the user in the follow-up dialogue in case they reject it, as well as when making the request itself.

Only ask for permission when a particular feature is needed to improve the chances of granting the request. For example, only request access to the microphone when the user clicks the button.

When asked for permission, users are more likely to grant it.

Increased Adaptability When Authorizing

Although users have the option to refuse access to specific permissions when they are requested and in settings, they might still be taken aback if this results in functionalities being broken.

It's a good idea to keep track of how many users are refusing permissions (for example, by using Google Analytics) so that you can either improve the reason why your app needs the permission in the first place or restructure it to avoid relying on it. Additionally, you should ensure that your app manages exceptions in the event that users turn off permissions in the settings or reject requests for permission.

Increased Transactional Burden

Permission group access is requested of users individually, not as a set. Because of this, you must ask for the fewest possible permissions.

This makes it more difficult for users to grant permissions, which raises the likelihood that at least one request will be turned down.

Permissions That Require Becoming A Default Handler

Certain applications rely on having access to private user data, such as SMS and call logs. You must first ask the user to designate your app as the default handler for a fundamental system function before requesting the runtime permissions necessary to access call logs and SMS messages and submit your app to the Play Store.

Recognize The Libraries You Are Using

Sometimes, the libraries you use in your app ask for permission. For instance, to implement the necessary functionality, ads and analytics libraries might need access to the LOCATION permissions group.

However, from the user's perspective, your app-not the library-is the one requesting permission.

Developers should examine their libraries and choose third-party SDKs that don't use excessive permissions, just as users choose apps that require fewer permissions for the same functionality.

You should only request the FINE_LOCATION permission if you are using location-based targeting functionality when using a library that provides location functionality.

Limit Background Access To The Location

Your app's essential functions should depend on location access when it is operating in the background, and users should clearly benefit from it.

Design Patterns

In software design, design patterns are broad, reusable answers to issues that crop up frequently in a particular setting.

It functions more like a guide for finding a solution. In addition to offering a potential fix for an issue, it facilitates communication among developers because it's simpler to work in a team when everyone knows the rules.

Not only did design patterns always exist, they didn't just appear out of nowhere. "According to Javamann on StackOverflow, "We used design patterns in the 1980s; we just weren't aware that they were design patterns.

Several patterns are used when creating Android apps, such as the separation of concerns pattern, dependency injection, and the skeleton pattern.


The terms "app" and "device" compatibility are used interchangeably in Android. The first thing that Android app developers need to worry about is app compatibility.

In terms of device compatibility, our app is only accepted by the Google Play Store on Android-compatible devices. Thus, at least for the time being, app developers have nothing to do with this.

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Only use permission requests when access to information is required for the proper operation of your app. Permission requests safeguard sensitive data accessible from a device.

This document is not intended to be a comprehensive explanation of how permissions function within the Android operating system; rather, it offers suggestions on how you might be able to accomplish the same (or better) functionality without needing access to such information.

Full Stack Developer

Paul is a highly skilled Full Stack Developer with a solid educational background that includes a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Software Engineering, as well as a decade of hands-on experience. Certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and Agile Scrum Master bolster his knowledge. Paul's excellent contributions to the software development industry have garnered him a slew of prizes and accolades, cementing his status as a top-tier professional. Aside from coding, he finds relief in her interests, which include hiking through beautiful landscapes, finding creative outlets through painting, and giving back to the community by participating in local tech education programmer.