unleashing the power of react.js: how to optimize web app performance

Understanding React.JS Web App Development

Understanding React.JS Web App Development

React.js Introduction

Facebook's React.js is a JavaScript-based library. It revolutionized the web application development process by introducing a components-based method.

The library allows for creating reusable UI elements, making development more efficient. React.js renders efficiently using a virtual DOM, improving performance and seamless updating.

Features and Benefits

  • Component-Based Architecture: React.js supports breaking user interfaces down into smaller, reusable parts. The modularity of this approach improves reusability and scale.
  • Virtual DOM: React.js makes use of a virtual representation to keep track of changes and update the UI only when necessary. This optimization improves the rendering performance.
  • Unidirectional Data Flow: React.js uses a data flow that is one-way, which allows developers to manage and track changes more efficiently. The unidirectional data flow makes debugging more accessible and increases code predictability.
  • Reusability and Modularity of Code: React.js allows developers to build reusable components. This reduces redundant code and increases development speed. The details are easily shared across the different sections of an application.
  • The Scalability of React.js and its Performance: Its virtual DOM and state management technologies, as well as the efficient rendering techniques, contribute to high performance. This makes it ideal for applications that are large in scale.

React.Js Is Used In A Variety Of Real-World Apps

  • Social Media Platforms: React.js is used by social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to create quick, engaging, and seamless user experiences.
  • E-commerce Websites: React.js is used by leading e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify to create dynamic, responsive, and interactive shopping experiences.
  • Collaboration Tools: Slack, Trello, and other collaboration tools are powered by React.js. This allows for real-time updates as well as smooth interactions between users.
  • Streaming Services: Netflix and Disney+ both use React.js in order to create engaging interfaces that will enable them to stream content while delivering recommendations.
  • Financial Platforms: React.js is used by PayPal and Stripe to develop secure and intuitive interfaces.

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Build Dynamic Web Apps Using React.js

Build Dynamic Web Apps Using React.js

Component-Based Architecture

React.js's component-based architecture allows developers to build reusable, self-contained UI elements. The components are self-contained and encapsulate logic, style, and behavior.

This makes it easy to test and reuse code.

A Virtual DOM to Efficiently Render

React.js creates a lightweight copy of the DOM that is a representation of it. React.js updates the virtual DOM when the state of the application changes.

It only makes minimal changes to the actual DOM. This minimizes DOM manipulation and increases rendering performance.

Unidirectional Data Flow

React.js uses a one-way data flow. This ensures that all data is sent in the same direction from child to parent components.

The clear data-flow pattern makes state management more accessible and helps to debug and understand applications.

Modularity and Reusability

React.js encourages developers to reuse components and create self-contained, modular functionality. Composing these components together allows for complex user interfaces to be made, which reduces redundant code while improving maintainability.

Performance and Scalability Optimization

React.js offers a variety of optimization techniques that can improve the performance and scalability of web applications.

They include code splitting and lazy loading.

The React.js Ecosystem

The React.js Ecosystem

React Router for Single-Page Applications

React Router is a library widely used for client-side navigation in one-page apps. Developers can define dynamic routes and handle navigation.

They can also maintain a consistent UI across multiple views.

State Management with Redux API or Context API

With the increasing complexity of applications, state management becomes increasingly important. React.js provides state management options like Redux and the Context API.

These libraries offer a central store for managing and sharing application states between components. This allows efficient data management and facilitates synchronization.

UI Libraries and Component Markets

React.js is home to a vibrant ecosystem that includes UI libraries, component marketplaces, and more. Material-UI libraries, Ant Design and Bit, provide pre-built UI elements that are easily integrated into React.js.

These libraries improve development speed and maintain a consistent design. They also ensure that the user interface is polished.

Next.js for Server-Side Rendering

The Next.js framework, built upon React.js and based on React.js, introduces the server-side render (SSR). SSR increases the performance of the first page by rendering HTML on the server and then delivering that content to the client.

The approach enhances the perceived performance and improves user experience. It also helps with search engine optimization.

React Native for Mobile App Development

React Native enables the creation of native applications on iOS and Android using React.js. Code sharing is possible between mobile and web apps.

This reduces development effort and time. React Native gives you access to APIs specific to each platform and provides a native-like experience.

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Coders.dev, Your React.js Development Company Expert

Coders.dev, Your React.js Development Company Expert


Coders.dev is a renowned React js web development company in the software industry with expertise in React.js and other leading-edge technologies.

Coders.dev is a software development company that focuses on providing high-quality products and services.

React.js Development Specialization

Coders.dev is a React.js developer that offers a skilled team of developers who are proficient in React.js. They are also experts in advanced concepts such as Redux, Next.js, and React Native.

Success Stories of Clients

Coders.dev is a company with a track record for successfully delivering React.js across multiple industries. Clients have achieved their goals through the development of robust ecommerce platforms, intuitive user interfaces, and enterprise-grade applications.

Why choose Coders.dev?

  • Experience in React.js Development.
  • Team of dedicated developers who have a thorough understanding of React.js.
  • Successful track record in delivering projects.
  • Customer satisfaction is a priority, as well as meeting deadlines and communicating clearly.
  • React.js is constantly evolving, so you'll be up to date with all the new features.

Also Read: The Rise Of React.Js: Why It's The Preferred Framework For Web Development

Optimize Web App Performance

Optimize Web App Performance

Optimizing software is the top priority for every developer, and this is especially true when it comes to web applications.

JS Frameworks such as Angular and React have some unique configurations and features.

No matter what patterns or methods you choose to optimize your code, it is essential that the code be DRY. Keep your code as DRY as possible.

It's critical to always reuse components. This will help you write optimized code. Spending more time on writing great code and less time on rewriting code that is mediocre (and has a higher chance of errors) will lead to beautiful results.

Reusing code is a challenge, especially when you're dealing with large repositories and codebases. This can be due to two reasons.

  • You may need to be made aware of some functional code.
  • To solve both of these problems

Use tools such as Bit to solve these issues. Bit allows you to isolate code components and upload them onto bit.

Dev. Search, filtering, and a live play area make it easy to find details on bit. dev. The foundation of good code is solid work practices.


It is a React hook used to cache CPU-intensive functions.

Virtualize long lists

This is known as "windowing". There are a number of libraries that have been created for this. React-window.


Just like what shouldComponentUpdate does to class components, so also React.PureComponent. React.PureComponent class is the base component that uses state and props fields to determine whether or not the piece needs updating.

Functions of Caching

React components JSX can call functions in the render method. The user experience will be hampered if the function becomes expensive.

ReactCompo. For each re-rendered, the expensive fun function is invoked, and its returned value is rendered to the DOM. This function will take a lot of CPU power, so we'll see it called on each re-render.

React must wait until it finishes before continuing with the rest.

It is best to store the input and output of the function in a cache so that it can be executed faster when the inputs are repeated.

Reselecting selectors

Reselecting optimizes Redux's state management. Redux is immutable, so new object references are created each time an action dispatch occurs.

It will affect performance as a re-render is triggered even if the field values have not changed, but object references do.

Reselect library wraps the Redux State and verifies the fields. It then tells React whether to render the page or not if none of these fields has changed.

Reselect can save time and effort by quickly comparing the current Redux state with its previous one, even though they may have different memory addresses.

React is told to render again if the fields are changed. If all of the areas have stayed the same, the reselection cancels.

Web worker

JS code is run on a single thread. A long-running process will severely affect UI rendering code. The best solution is to run the process in another line.

Web Workers are responsible for this. These workers are where you can run a parallel thread to the main one without affecting the UI flow.

Lazy loading

The use of lazy loading is one optimization technique that has become popular to reduce the time it takes to load.

Lazy loading can lessen some web application performance issues to an absolute minimum. React.lazy() is the API used to lazy load React route components. Use a bit of self-plagiarism.

React.lazy was a feature that React introduced with React V16.6. It provided a clear and simple method for code splitting and lazy loading for our React components.


Like React.PureComponent and useMemo, React.memo() can be used to cache/memorize functional components.


It's similar to useMemo, but it is used for memoizing function declarations.


The components of a React application are the App.js root component and the branches that spread out from it.

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How is UI Rendered Using React?

How is UI Rendered Using React?

React renders your UI by updating a document object model (DOM). In layperson's terms, DOM is a structure that looks like a giant tree of nodes and objects.

HTML, on the other hand, is not at the core of React's DOM. It is actually only a single node in the Javascript prototype chain that has the necessary functions for calculating styles, properties, or manipulating the nodes.

DOM is a React standard that defines the way you can get, modify or update HTML elements.

React DOM is intelligent enough to know how to render a webpage, but it could be wiser to track each component and node that's updating.

Let's assume you have ten items in your Single Page Application (SPA) and that you need to update only one when the user interacts. You will update all components with DOM as the entire list gets re-rendered.

The Virtual DOM is a local copy of the HTML DOM. React has its own local version of the HTML DOM. React will render the UI using Virtual DOM.

Let's look at our example list. React creates a virtual copy of the original DOM when the user interacts. It then updates the interface by comparing it to the new version.

This way, only the items that need to be changed will change.

What is Terrible About Virtual DOM in React?

What is Terrible About Virtual DOM in React?

You can read more about Virtual DOM in the section above. Let's now become familiar with the bad parts of Virtual DOM that are responsible for a large number of performance problems in React.

React uses a diff-algorithm to reduce the number of operations that need to be performed at each node. The algorithm could be better in itself.

Virtual-DOM is responsible for about 50% of the performance issues that Reactjs has.

  • Redundant Processing in Components that Do Not Update the DOM
  • Diff Algorithm updates leaf nodes that do not require updating.
  • Diff algorithm updates are a heavy CPU processor.

Let's learn how to improve the performance of your React app now that you know what causes it. If you want to hire a React.js developer connect with us.

How To Optimize Renderings That Are Not Useful In The React Application

How To Optimize Renderings That Are Not Useful In The React Application

React Virtual DOM is a great concept, but as we have seen above, it can create performance problems by rendering unnecessary components within the DOM tree.

Even a medium-sized application will be slow due to this. Imagine the situation when your app is large and complex, with many states. What will happen then? This will cause a performance throttling of your React app.


React Performance Optimization Tools for Detecting Wasted Renders

In most cases, it is the developer's job to determine which renders are causing your application to be slow. How can I detect renderer renders that are wasted in React 16 code?

React Performance Tools Chrome Extension can be very useful for any application. These tools are only compatible with React 16 at the moment.

Start by analyzing your profile. The User Timing accordion will display all logs relating to CPU-heavy usage. You can then identify the parts of your application that are slow to render.

Performance Tuning Of React By Fixing Rendering Unnecessary Components

When the state of a component changes in React, it renders both that component as well as its children. Sometimes, children and details barely change, but we generate everything.

This is inefficient. Right?

Implementing shouldComponentUpdate to Prevent Unnecessary Renders

The majority of performance issues with mobile apps can be resolved by making small changes. These changes will make your app run faster.

One such change that seems smaller but is capable of providing enough measurable and perceivable performance improvement to your React app is the shouldComponentUpdate method.

ShouldComponentUpdate is a React lifecycle hook that, as its name suggests, allows you to tell React to refrain from re-rendering a specific component if its state remains unchanged.
Consider a long list with several nested components where one item is changing. Resources would be conserved by not rendering the list's extraneous items. You can essentially instruct React to disregard all the ingredients other than the one that changed by defining shouldComponentUpdate.

By correctly implementing the shouldComponentUpdate function, Twitter developers saw a speed gain of 10 times in their Progressive Web App. Although shouldComponentUpdate worked for Twitter, it doesn't necessarily follow that it would work for you.
How do you know when a React app should utilize shouldComponentUpdate?
The solution is simple...

Improve Performance By Reducing Unnecessary Renderings With Pure Component

If you are not experiencing any performance gain using shouldComponentUpdate, then you might also try using Pure Component, which is the more performant version of React component class.

The pure component can give a significant performance boost because it decreases the number of render operations in an application.

The pure component is precisely similar to a Component class in React except for the changes that it automatically handles the shouldComponentUpdate method for you.

Immutable.Js Prevents Wasted Renders With React

While defining the shouldComponentUpdate method, it is your job to tell React if the component needs to be re-rendered to reflect the state and new properties.

React uses a costly diff algorithm to make this decision. Recurring calls to this method can result in severe performance degradation in your React app.

In addition, if your props are rendered again, resulting in a change of properties, you will want to compare the old and new support.

This comparison is challenging. Immutable data structures are the answer. Data structures that are immutable are those which cannot be changed.

This problem can be solved by using immutable data. By definition, immutable data structures never change. You can directly compare object references using immutable data instead of deep tree comparisons.

React apps are faster with this feature.

SSR React Performance

Building Single Page Apps with it is a great idea. The fact that it is a client-side framework, however, means that we can encounter the following performance problems when developing an application:

  • SEO is Bad: Because the content related to javascript is rendered on the client side, search engines like Yahoo, Baidu, and Bing will not be able to index them, as they may only see a white page, which is correlated to negative SEO.
  • App Loading Speed: There is no JavaScript cache in your browser when the app loads for the first time. The time it takes to load an application can be very long if the app is significant.

It is a good idea to build an Isomorphic React application if you're really worried about SEO on search engines that aren't Google.

In server-side-rendering, the JavaScript-related content is rendered from the server initially. The client script then takes control, and the SPA works as usual.

The cost to set up SSR is high, especially when you consider the need for good servers like Node.js. If you want to speed up your app, you can use Next.js.

This will allow you to save a great deal of time by not having the SSR servers set up.

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React.js is a framework that allows developers to build dynamic, responsive web apps. React.js' component-based structure, virtual DOM, and unidirectional flow of data empower developers to create reusable, scalable, and flexible applications.

Developers can improve their productivity by leveraging tools and ecosystems such as React Router and Redux. They also have access to Next.js and React Native. Coders.dev is a React.js expert development company that brings a wealth of experience to help businesses achieve their React.js goals.

Contact us to hire react.js developers.

Kali D
Shopify Web Developer

Kali, a Shopify Web Developer with 12 years of crafting unique e-commerce solutions