This article will teach you everything you want to know about AJAX. It includes a definition, practical examples, and instructions on how to learn it.

AJAX Toolkit is a SOAP API Java Script wrapper that allows users to embed API calls into the Visualforce pages (visual studio), buttons, and links.

The AJAX Toolkit is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 9, 10, and 11, in addition to the most recent Microsoft hotfixes, and Mozilla Firefox, the most recent stable version.

The WSDL partner is used by the AJAX Toolkit. Because Java Script does not support type checking, the type information within enterprise WSDL is not required.

Many technologies have evolved over time in application development. Developers are still working hard to make apps that are faster, more reliable, and more responsive.

Ajax Control Toolkit allows ajax developers to create reliable, and faster apps. Its usefulness can be seen in apps like Google Analytics, Google Maps and YouTube. Let's find out what Ajax Control Toolkit is in ASP.NET Core and how it is useful.

ajax toolkit developer guide 2023

What Is Ajax?

What Is Ajax?

Asynchronous Java Script (Ajax) and XML are two of the technologies used to create web applications such as java technology edition or java technology.

Combining these technologies makes web pages more responsive because small packets of data are sent to the server. Web pages are not reloaded every time a user changes their input. Ajax allows users to interact with a website without having to refresh the page.

Interaction with the page is fast and requires only a small refresh and reload of the page.

These technologies make up Ajax:

  • XHTML or CSS are used to present information.

  • For dynamically interacting with and displaying information, use the Document Object Model (DOM).

  • Asynchronous data manipulation with the web server using the XMLHttpRequest object.

  • HTML, XML, XSLT are data interchange as well as manipulation tools.

  • Information is shown and binding data queries are made using Java Script.

These technologies are combined in Ajax to provide a new way to develop web applications. Without the requirement for page reloads, client-server communication can be started using Ajax.

It makes it possible to update a page partially. It allows for partial page updates.

HTTP requests are sent to a web server in a traditional web app. They are initiated by the user's interaction using the web interface.

The request is processed by the web server and returned to the client as an HTML page. The HTTP transport does not allow the user to interact with the web app.

Ajax web apps allow for uninterrupted user interaction. Java Script interpreter or the Ajax engine allows the user to interact directly with the web application without the need for HTTP transport.

The interface is rendered, and communications are handled by the server on the user's behalf.

Asynchronous Java Script (Ajax), a combination of HTML, Java Script CSS, CSS, and DOM, enables you to use XML and JSON at the same time.

Ajax allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by modifying small amounts of data on the server. This means that the web pages can be modified in a way that is convenient for the user.

It can be used on any OS platform and is platform-independent. Ajax also supports open-source implementations of other technologies.

It's used to develop faster, more interactive web applications. Ajax is a client-side technology as well. It enables asynchronous communication between the web server and the user interface, as well as partial page rendering.

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When Should You Use The AJAX Toolkit ?

When Should You Use The AJAX Toolkit ?

When working with very small amounts of data, the AJAX toolkit is best for performance. AJAX can work best with very small amounts of data, up to 200 records and six fields, each with 50 characters.

The more data returned, the longer it takes to build and deconstruct SOAP messages. The performance also suffers as each record is wide range. Poor performance can also increase as more HTML nodes from the data are created.

Browsers are slow and inefficient, so it is important to consider how browser memory management will affect your ability to display large amounts of data. Here are some examples of suitable uses:

  • Modify or display a single record.

  • Display two to three fields from multiple records.

  • Do one or more basic calculations and then update the record.

These are some examples of scenarios that will require a case-by-case analysis.

  • More than 200 records can be updated

  • Unusually large update records What happens, for example, if the user clicks on the browser stop button

  • Calculate a complex value from more than 200 records

An example of inappropriate use is a sortable grid with several records. This would consume too much processing time as well as slow down the browser.

What is AJAX?

AJAX includes the following technologies:

  • XHTML and CSS - to present the information.

  • The Document Object Model - to display dynamic data and interact with it.

  • XML and JSON - data interchange and manipulation.

    Many developers have replaced XML with JSON since it was originally created from Java Script.

  • XMLHttpRequest allows for asynchronous communication with the web server.

  • Java Script - The programming language that connects all these web technologies.

AJAX's general principles are easy to understand. However, technical knowledge is helpful in understanding the workflow.

Use The AJAX Toolkit

Use The AJAX Toolkit

The majority of Java Script you add to Visualforce buttons, pages, or links contains three sections. First, connect to the AJAX Toolkit.

Next, embed the API methods into Java Script. Finally, process the results. Each of these steps are explained in this section.

  • Connecting with the API.

  • Java Script API Calls for Embedding.

  • Processing Results.

Connecting To The API

  • Specify a script tag that points to the toolkit file for Visualforce pages (visual studio) or any source other than a custom on click Java Script button (Java ee 6 connector or java ee connector).

  • Use a custom on click Java Script button.

    require script to reference the toolkit file

Following the execution of this script, the toolkit is loaded as well as a global object, Connection is created.

This object manages the session ID and contains all of the API calls as well as AJAX Toolkit methods. Other session management is not required.

If SSO (single sign-on) is enabled, users who access the API or a desktop client will be unable to log in unless their IP address is on your organization's list of trusted IP addresses or even on their profile if their profile seems to have IP address restrictions set.

Login lockout policies for users with both the uses, single Sign-On permission are typically handled by the delegated authentication authority. If the security token is enabled, however, your login lockout settings determine how many attempts a user can make to log in with an invalid security token before being locked out.

JavaScript API Calls Embedded

Once you have created the toolkit using the Connecting to the API procedure, you can now write JavaScript code snippets that contain your API processing and calls.

Make sure you check the SOAP API Developer Guide.

This is a simple example of synchronized calls that you can make after connecting. This query returns the Name And Id Of every User.

These are then written to the log.

To avoid any errors, we recommend wrapping JavaScript code snippets so that the entire HTML page renders by the browser before it executes.

If you specify the setuppage () In the Body onload Before it calls, the browser initializes all HTML element elements.

setupPage() .

The API interaction is done in the first line. Setup Page function. A SOQL statement specifies the data to be returned.

You should address errors after retrieving the data.

To handle the results of an asynchronous call, use a callback function. A callback function can be defined as a function passed to the AJAX Toolkit.

The AJAX Toolkit calls the function in specified conditions, such as upon completion.

JavaScript is a recommended best practice. OnFailure JavaScript as the callback function in case of failure and JavaScript OnSuccess For processing the successfully returned results which is done properly by our dedicated Ajax developers.

Processing Results

A query that returns sufficient rows can be processed. More information query More And query Locator As you do now, continue iterating over the results.

The AJAX Toolkit, however, provides the following Query ResultIterator Object so you can quickly iterate through results without having to invoke More information query More And query Locator.

You will need to batch up to 200 records per call for other calls. The following example shows you how to batch files.

create() call

Also Read: What is AJAX? Advantages & Disadvantages of Ajax in 2025?

API Calls And AJAX Toolkit

API Calls And AJAX Toolkit

This toolkit supports all SOAP API call types, as well as runTests() Apex.

AJAX Toolkit - Synchronous And Asynchronous Calls

Both asynchronous and synchronous calls are supported by the AJAX Toolkit.

Asynchronous calls allow the client to continue working while waiting for a response from the server-side programming.

To issue an asynchronous request, you must add an additional parameter to the API call (also known as a callback method). Again when the result has been received, the server calls the callback function.

  • API Syntax in AJAX Toolkit

  • SOAP API calls have slightly different syntax depending on whether they are synchronous or not in the AJAX toolkit.

Object Functions

You can access property values directly, or you can use a generic Set Or Get method.

  • A Get Function for each field of the object.

    An example of this is the Account object.

    Get ("Name") function.

    This can be substituted for object.Field (for example, account.Name ).

  • A Set Function for each field of the object.

    An example of this is the Account object.

    set("Name) function.

    This can be substituted for object.Field = Value .

Data Types In AJAX Toolkit

All data returned by the AJAX Toolkit are strings. You can use one of the functions provided with the object to convert the data to the appropriate data type.

  • GetDate Maps dates to JavaScript Date.

  • GetDateTime Maps dateTime values to JavaScript Datum

  • GetInt Map integer values to JavaScript Int.

  • GetFloat Maps float values to JavaScript-Float.

  • GetBoolean Maps boolean values to JavaScript Boolean

  • GetArray Retrieves arrays of values.

  • getBase64 Binary Returns the decoded value for a Base64 binary encoded String.

    This is used to work with attachments and documents.

The returned value of a field that has a null value in a query will be null if you ask for it. You can't request a field that is null in a query.

The value will not be returned, and it is undefined.

Source Context Variable

Use them to pass any context and receive it back in the callback mode Source context variable.

Debugging Using The AJAX Toolkit

AJAX Toolkit offers a debugging window that pops up when certain errors occur.

Logging can be invoked explicitly by using the Log method. You could, For example, if you want the debugging window to display the value of a variable at a certain point in your client app, add the line to the appropriate location.

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AJAX: Practical Examples

AJAX: Practical Examples

Google Autocomplete is an example of AJAX. When users type into the search bar, this feature provides keyword suggestions to help them complete their search queries.

The web page remains unchanged while the modifications are made in real-time for user experience in google analytics.

AJAX enables data exchange as well as presentation layers to operate concurrently without interfering with one another.

Early in the 1990s, this was not the situation. You had to reload Google (google analytics) to have a new recommendation on your screen.

These are some more examples of how AJAX can be used in everyday life:

  • Rating and voting systems: Once you click on a rate/vote button, the website updates the calculation automatically without refreshing the page.

  • Chat rooms: Some websites have a chat room for customer support built into their main page. AJAX allows you to chat with customer service representatives while browsing the website.

    When you send or receive new messages, the web page will not need to reload.

  • Social media: Many social media apps, such as Twitter, use AJAX to update their users' timelines.

    When you send a new tweet, the system will ask for and retrieve data from your server-side programming. It will then display the latest tweet at the top of the timeline.

What Is The ASP.NET Core AJAX Control Toolkit

What Is The ASP.NET Core AJAX Control Toolkit

Ajax Control Toolkit is an open-source web development tool. The ASP.NET Ajax Community and Microsoft have collaborated to create a powerful infrastructure for creating customizable, reusable, as well as extensible ASP.NET Ajax controls or rather extenders.

Client-side functionality is provided by extenders, which are servers that are linked to an existing server-side programming.

Consider a delete button, for example. An alert message is delivered to the user prior to deletion. This is typically done by JavaScript. However, the developer can utilize the Confirm Button Extender control from the toolkit in this case.

This toolkit includes over 40 pre-installed controls, which make it easy to get started. The controls can be easily integrated with the web application by dragging and dropping them from the Visual Studio Toolbox.

There is a calendar, a watermark, and a color picker. There are also Slideshow Extender, Modal Popup Extender, and AutoComplete options. The most recent version of the toolkit is Ajax Control Toolkit Installer 20.1.0.

Many improvements were made to the toolkit in order to fix control bugs.

How Good Seems To be the ASP.NET Core AJAX Control Toolkit?

Since ASP.NET 2.0, Ajax has integrated client scripting libraries with ASP.NET. Ajax is a web development technology that combines an interactive user interface and a programming model.

Ajax makes development easier, as it is easy for the software development companies to add Ajax into the application or software thet create.

To instantly update your UI, you can use HTML or Javascript and send an asynchronous request to the server-side programming.

You can fetch results by simply clicking a button. You can update the UI by using JavaScript or CSS without having to refresh the entire web page. The form is not visible to the user while this process takes place.

It does not blink, disappear or flash, but it is still visible.

The ability to communicate with the server asynchronously without the need for a browser refresh via an XMLHttpRequest is available.

This is the real power of Ajax. Ajax uses JavaScript technology and XMLHttpRequest objects to connect the webform and the server-side programming. This all happens behind the scenes with very little response time and request cycle.

Do You Need To Learn AJAX?

Do You Need To Learn AJAX?

AJAX learning is easy, especially if one has a good understanding of HTML, XML, and JavaScript.

AJAX is easy to understand for the dedicated Ajax developers.

It implements your existing development skills and takes only one to two hours. For beginners, it takes about an hour to grasp the basic principles and a few days to understand XMLHttpRequest syntaxes - the key to AJAX.

We recommend that you practice the technique using real-world examples, regardless of whether you are a new or experienced developer.

These are the steps to learning AJAX:

  1. Getting familiar with HTML, HTML, XML, and CSS will be prerequisites to learning AJAX.

  2. Learn how AJAX works and the techniques that are used to create them.

    Google Maps is an example of a web app that uses AJAX to retrieve map data and for more detail you can use google analytics.

  3. Study jQuery Many web applications that use AJAX can also run jQuery.

    To write more advanced AJAX applications, it is recommended that you learn the basics of jQuery.

  4. Use AJAX to create a project and put your development skills into action.

AJAX is a front-end development technique that is extremely popular. The annual salary for a front-end developer is around $102,000.

Developers with less than a year of experience earn $100,000 per year. Senior front-end developers may earn more than $120,000 per year on average.

AJAX Pros And Cons

AJAX Pros And Cons

Consider the pros and cons of AJAX before you use Ajax:


  • This allows a browser to update bits of content without having to reload or open a new page.

  • Allows web applications to render with no data, which reduces server traffic.

  • It uses less bandwidth because it fetches very little content.

  • Allows browsers to make asynchronous calls without having to reload the entire page.

  • AJAX's XMLHttpRequest object establishes an independent connection between a website server and the client-side computer.

  • You can create responsive interactions.

    Events can be triggered by mouse movements that aren't initiated by clicks.


  • Your browser won't load AJAX pages if JavaScript isn't enabled or supported.

  • AJAX allows anyone to view the source code for a web application, which makes it less secure.

  • AJAX operates asynchronously.

    Some page information may not match the newly loaded one.

  • A user may not be able to return to the previous page state if they hit the back button in their browser.

    The browser's history does not contain any subsequent AJAX requests.

  • It can be difficult to debug a website built with AJAX.

  • Multiple server requests consume more data.

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What Are The Top Tools To Debug AJAX Applications?

What Are The Top Tools To Debug AJAX Applications?

AJAX does not represent a programming language. It's a method for creating web pages that have interactive and faster properties.

AJAX can be used with many languages and techniques, including HTML, XML, and CSS. AJAX is also known as Asynchronous JavaScript or XML. AJAX uses XHTML to structure the web pages and CSS to design the web pages.

It also uses JavaScript for dynamic user interfaces and the interactive user uses.

This feature has the greatest advantage: it allows you to send a request and get information simultaneously. We generally fill out the form, then click the submit button.

The server will then redirect us to the new page. AJAX is different because JavaScript sends requests to the server-side programming when we submit forms or request information.

Then it updates the result on the current screen. There is no redirection.

These were the results of AJAX:

  • JavaScript creates an XMLHttpRequest object when an event occurs in the browser.

  • The XMLHttpRequest object then sends a request to the server.

  • The server processes the XMLHttpRequest.

  • The server responds to the request.

  • JavaScript interprets the response and makes the required changes to the web pages.

Tools for Debugging AJAX application

Before we get into the details of the AJAX application debugging tools, it is important to understand the subject.

What is debugging? We can see that every program we write has a result that is not what we expected. We must find these types of errors as quickly as possible. We can also say that Debugging is a method or approach to find and fix errors in applications.

AJAX applications work on both the client side and the server side. This is because we need to debug these types of applications from both the client and server sides. We need tools to help us debug the AJAX applications.

Some of these are listed below:

  1. Firefox Firebug

  2. Debugging features in ASP.NET AJAX

  3. Web Development Helper( for Internet Explorer)

  4. Google Chrome Dev Tools also google analytics

  5. Edge Developer Tools

  6. Raygun Error Monitoring

  7. Debugging in VS Code

Firebug Firefox: The Firebug extension or tool in the Firefox browser is used for debugging AJAX applications.

It is easy to install and works with the Firefox browser. Firebug also provides many features that can be used to debug AJAX applications. The browser launches firebug and collects all information about the page.

This allows us to manipulate objects and write directly. You can also see detailed JavaScript error messages. Firebug allows us to see the complete list of HTTP requests that were sent to the server.

Debugging features in ASP.NET AJAX: ASP.NET AJAX has built-in features that can be used to debug applications.

To access these features, you must run the application in debug mode. This allows AJAX to automatically choose the library used for debugging the applications. The Sys. The Sys. Many methods can interact with JavaScript's output console.

Internet Explorer Web Development Tool: Internet Explorer Debugging is more difficult than other tools.

We used some plugins to debug this tool but not all of the required features for modern web pages. Web Development Helper provides tools for accessing the information on current web pages, as well as features such as ViewState and tracing.

You can view the entire HTTP request and console for JavaScript and capture the screenshot using the debugging tool.

Google Chrome Dev Tools: Google Chrome provides debugging tools similar to the Firefox browser.

To debug the AJAX or Javascript application, you need to simply run the page being debugged. Right-click on a JS page, then go to inspect. From here, you can view your JS, HTML, and CSS source codes. Google Chrome Dev Tools provides many tools to help us debug the issue and also show google analytics.

Edge Developer Tools: Microsoft Edge also offers the ability to debug JS applications. To do this, click the three dots in the top right corner and select the more tools option.

Then, click on the developer tools. You can also use the Google Chrome Dev Tools. Simply press the shortcut key Control Shift-C. to view the HTML, JS, and CSS codes.

This will allow you to analyze the performance of the application and the user interface.

Raygun Error monitoring: Also known as crash monitoring, Raygun Error Monitor is also called Raygun Monitoring.

It's a cloud-based service that monitors the performance of web pages and provides alerts and code errors. When the client has just begun the snippet, it is activated.

Debugging with VS (Visual Studio Code): Visual Studio code, an IDE created by Microsoft, is available for free to developers.

We can use Visual Studio code to build and debug web- and cloud-based applications. Many built-in tools are available to debug applications. Modern developers will find Visual Studio code very useful for debugging.

It has built-in chrome and edge debuggers. You can open the JavaScript terminal and start the debug option within Visual Studio code. This will allow us to debug our JS apps.

We can also use the launch configuration to start our browser with the application.

Advantages - AJAX-BASED AJAX Applications

Advantages - AJAX-BASED AJAX Applications
  • Quick and simple UI, no page flickers.

  • Elimination of the constant page refresh that is common in traditional web pages.

  • A reduction in data downloads from the server can improve the performance of an app.

  • It works with many web browsers.

  • Dynamic rendering data

  • Ajax implementations are readily available to make implementation simple.

  • Reduced consumption of server resources

  • Application processing time is quicker

Limitations For Ajax

Limitations For Ajax

Ajax is a web development technique that makes web pages responsive and interactive with users. However, there are some limitations to Ajax before you can develop an Ajax-based app.

These are just a few of the most important disadvantages.

  • Browser support - Not all browsers can support JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest objects. These objects can be handled differently by browsers with JavaScript or XMLHttpRequest support.

    Ajax implementations in different browsers must be taken into consideration.

  • Security and privacy Not all issues are addressed.

    When developing Ajax applications, security and privacy issues must be taken into account.

  • Accessibility - Because not all browsers are compatible with JavaScript or XMLHttpRequest objects, you must make sure that your web application is usable by everyone.

  • Bookmark and Navigation - Ajax is used to load content asynchronously into pages. Some page information may not match the new page.

    Bookmarks and browser history may not behave correctly since the URL was unchanged even though parts of the page were changed.

  • Search engine Ajax applications cannot be searched; however, Ajax elements and features can be used within searchable applications.

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AJAX is a group of web development techniques used to asynchronously send and receive data from a server. AJAX enables the creation of interactive and dynamic user experience.

AJAX automatically adds new information to an existing page without needing to reload the entire website can be done by the best Ajax Developers. As AJAX becomes more popular, there will be more opportunities for web developers with AJAX knowledge and also google analytics, rational application developer and web sphere application server.

We have also explained the pros and cons associated with building an AJAX app. We hope you found this article helpful in understanding AJAX.

Ajax is unquestionably the future of web app development, regardless of how complex its implementation is. With the right application design and network architecture, web applications can transition from a batch-style approach towards desktop-like interactivity.

Full Stack Developer

Paul is a highly skilled Full Stack Developer with a solid educational background that includes a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Software Engineering, as well as a decade of hands-on experience. Certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and Agile Scrum Master bolster his knowledge. Paul's excellent contributions to the software development industry have garnered him a slew of prizes and accolades, cementing his status as a top-tier professional. Aside from coding, he finds relief in her interests, which include hiking through beautiful landscapes, finding creative outlets through painting, and giving back to the community by participating in local tech education programmer.

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