This article compares Laravel to CodeIgniter regarding features, syntaxes, loading speeds, security structures, and similar aspects.

You will gain an in-depth knowledge of their benefits and drawbacks to decide which framework best fits your project needs.

codeigniter vs. laravel: choosing the right framework for your project

Laravel Framework: What Is It?

Laravel Framework: What Is It?

Let's first take a quick peek at Laravel and why it's so popular among dedicated developers before engaging in any further debates on it.

Laravel is an open-source PHP Framework created by Taylor Otwell based on Symfony, using model view control (MVC). In 2024, over 108537 enterprises worldwide will have begun utilizing Laravel as a Programming Framework tool.

Laravel Framework Features

Artisan Tool

Artisan Tool The Artisan tool, with its command line user interface design, enables dedicated developers to automate everyday, repetitive tasks more efficiently - meaning manual labor will no longer be an issue! Artisan can do much more, too: build projects, migrate data, or even create custom commands if the default ones prove ineffective.

MVC Architectural Pattern

MVC provides you with a way to categorize web applications more clearly. Utilizing MVC allows for the separation of an application into three distinct parts:

  • View (what customers see when visiting your site).
  • Controller (how the application handles actions taken on it by visitors).
  • Model (the data that's needed to facilitate those actions).

MVC makes for efficient project division.

The Eloquent ORM

Let's dig further into the Model Section while considering the MVC Framework and Eloquent ORM (object-relational mapping).

We'll understand how this interacts with relational, object-oriented Eloquent by understanding their interactions. With the Eloquent Model, you can modify and delete database tables much simpler using PHP syntax rather than writing SQL manually - not to mention being faster than most PHP frameworks!

Community Support

Community support may not qualify as an advantage, but this benefit must be addressed. There is an active Laravel "web artisans community" in a wide range who contribute their time and extensive knowledge.

Laravel's community offers more assistance than just its screencasts or Laracasts; many individuals are ready and waiting to assist with your learning experience.

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There Are Eight Advantages To Choosing Laravel Over Other Platforms.

There Are Eight Advantages To Choosing Laravel Over Other Platforms.

Why is Laravel a popular choice amongst its rivals? Compare it to other similar tools.

  • This popular PHP framework is used for dynamic website creation and robust applications.
  • It uses a dependency management system (which lets you manage your projects) because it was built with inspiration from Symfony.
  • The default engine for blade tiling allows you to insert code and create custom layouts.
  • Laravel includes a built-in unit testing tool to help you test your application.
  • It can be integrated with other apps like SparkPost (Amazon SES), Mailgun, Mandrill STMP, and others.
  • Laravel lets you develop apps that work in different languages.
  • The Laracasts learning center offers a variety of free and paid videos to help you learn how to code with Laravel.
  • Google Trends has rated it the top PHP framework.

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Definition Of The Codeigniter Framework?

Definition Of The Codeigniter Framework?

Laravel and CodeIgniter will be discussed similarly: we'll first delve into CodeIgniter before comparing it with Laravel for comparison purposes.

As this debate centers around version 4 versions of each framework, which allow for evaluation purposes, versions prior are less helpful and don't allow us to evaluate the current capabilities of either framework.

Ellis Lab launched CodeIgniter as a software development tool for the web on February 6, 2006. British Columbia Institute of Technology then took over developing it systematically.

CodeIgniter, like Laravel, is an open-source PHP framework for web development maintained by GitHub and provides similar object-relational features while supporting hierarchical view controller architecture (HMVC). However, their similarities end there. Take a deeper look into CodeIgniter today.

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Codeigniter Framework Features

Codeigniter Framework Features

Easy Development Process

CodeIgniter is the ideal framework if you need simple web solutions quickly. The framework is easy and efficient to use, and even an online library makes creating systems more accessible (not that creating your own is impossible!).

Learning it faster than some PHP languages allows faster creation of web solutions.

There Are Few To No Errors

CodeIgniter's ease of use has already been discussed; another benefit of its usability is enhanced error handling.

You make fewer errors because using it is so intuitive. Plus, CodeIgniter comes equipped with an error log class and interface so you can identify errors quickly so they can be rectified as you work - sometimes all in just one line!

HMVC Architecture

CodeIgniter offers its users more flexibility concerning MVC architectural models like Laravel. Users may utilize hierarchical model view controllers (HMVC), which were explicitly created to fill gaps left by traditional MVC structures in terms of organization and reusability and provide more extensibility of web solutions.

Community Support

Like Laravel, CodeIgniter boasts a dynamic community of users and hire remote codeigniter developers.

One active place you'll find here is its forum, which features various discussions for easy organization. Plus, there are additional social media platforms and websites where discussions occur!

Consider Codeigniter For Six Advantages.

Consider Codeigniter For Six Advantages.

CodeIgniter features are self-explanatory, but here's a list of more benefits of the PHP framework.

  • The migration will be smooth and without interruptions if you move servers, and CodeIgniter is the framework.
  • CodeIgniter creates SEO-friendly URLs.

    It creates URLs that are easy to read and understand.

    This is an excellent benefit for SEO.

  • Test your code and see how to avoid mistakes in the final version.
  • CodeIgniter is also faster to develop than many PHP frameworks.

    This means you can get a site up and running quickly using CodeIgniter.

  • CodeIgniter's ease of use was mentioned.

    Its ease of use is based on the idea that users should be free to design whatever they like.

    CodeIgniter also offers multiple customization options.

  • XSS filters protect the PHP framework, so your code will be free of malicious attacks and threats.

Businesses That Use Codeigniter To Develop Web Applications

CodeIgniter boasts an impressive roster of satisfied users. Companies such as Ola and Accenture use CodeIgniter in their technology stack.

Furthermore, CodeIgniter was also utilized by the World Health Organization, G Shock, Public Record code Reviews Parchment, Which, and other businesses to create websites using it as well. Make an impactful statement today by contacting us if you want to join these impressive users! Our web development team services can make this possible!

Comparing Codeigniter Vs. Laravel Head-To-Head

Comparing Codeigniter Vs. Laravel Head-To-Head

Let's now compare them based on critical parameters.


CodeIgniter vs Laravel has some differences and similarities. Let's first look at the differences before we compare CodeIgniter and Laravel.

CodeIgniter & Laravel have many similarities.

  • PHP Framework: Laravel and CodeIgniter are two PHP frameworks.

    PHP forms the core engine behind both application development frameworks despite having distinct functionalities.

  • MVC Architecture: CodeIgniter and Laravel follow an MVC development pattern; Laravel's development relies heavily on it, while CodeIgniter doesn't enforce strict compliance.
  • Both CodeIgniter & Laravel frameworks are open source: Download Laravel and CodeIgniter code from GitHub and use these technologies to meet your requirements and needs.

    These technologies may be easily customized or extended to make custom apps for specific projects.

  • CodeIgniter and Laravel both support active records: CodeIgniter employs this approach with modified syntax, while Laravel uses Eloquent ORM instead.

Authentication And Security

The authentication process is an integral part of the security system for web applications. CodeIgniter has its authentication system, as does Laravel.


CodeIgniter comes equipped with the Shield authentication library. This flexible and secure software solution can quickly adapt to many websites.

This software offers various authentication solutions, such as session-based token-based authentication options, role access complete control, and permission settings for specific users.

Also Read: CodeIgniter Developer Market Insights: What's Driving Demand


Laravel comes equipped with its authentication system - known as Laravel Sanctum - making authentication simple to implement and allowing each user to generate multiple API tokens for easy implementation.

Laravel offers authentication packages such as Laravel UI, Breeze, and JetStream, enabling you to easily create an automated verification system without writing additional code.

Expandability And Scalability

Scalability refers to your application's ability to grow its traffic, performance, and size without altering its architecture or code base.

Extensibility refers to expanding functionality without changing architecture or code bases. Laravel and CodeIgniter offer equal extensibility.


CodeIgniter boasts an incredibly low overhead; Rasmus Lerdorf refers to it as the lightest framework, as no conventions or overhead costs are involved.

Plus, its scaling abilities make it highly flexible! CodeIgniter allows you to expand its helpers and libraries as needed, create system core classes, alter standard functions as required, and alter controllers according to your taste. CodeIgniter can scale without impacting performance by caching modified files.


Laravel can scale quickly... Here's an illustration that showcases this. Laravel allows for the expansion of core components.

You may alter or add any element at will; additionally, you may modify and extend request objects as necessary to add helper methods and enhance customer hands-on experience.

Laravel is an ideal solution for applications that must scale. HAProxy's load balancer simplifies HTTP requests, while token-based authentication makes access control less of an issue than ever.

Scalable Laravel apps can also be built using MySQL, AWS, and other caching technologies.

Built-in Modules

To speed up the mobile application development of complex web applications, you can divide them into modules.

Laravel and CodeIgniter have different built-in module options.


CodeIgniter does not offer modular functionality. It isn't easy to divide development projects into separate working parts.

CodeIgniter allows for modularity if the extensions are used.


Laravel's built-in modules encourage you to break a large project into manageable sections by splitting it into modules.

By breaking up large successful projects into more manageable chunks, it becomes easier for you to focus on different parts of the project without dealing with its entirety. A folder structure also offers significant benefits from adopting this modular approach - features can be organized more systematically within an appropriate folder structure.

Here is a list of default Laravel packages designed to streamline development processes.

  • Passport is a Laravel Passport that quickly integrates an OAuth2 Server for API authentication into your Laravel app.

    Alex Bilbie's League OAuth2 Server powers it.

  • Envoy: Envoy is a simple syntax that allows you to set up regular tasks on remote servers.

    Envoy only currently supports Mac OS and Linux.

  • Cashier: Cashier is a fluid, expressive interface for Stripe and Braintree's subscription billing system.

    You can create invoices, coupon codes, cancellation grace periods, and subscription quantities.

  • Scout: Scout adds full-text search and syncs Eloquent models with search indexes.
  • Socialite: Socialite is an OAuth-based interface that lets you quickly log in with Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

    It also supports GitHub, Bitbucket, and LinkedIn.

Learn Curve

Both CodeIgniter & Laravel are familiar to PHP users. Both frameworks are different in functionality, which may lead to exceptions.


Beginning and mastering CodeIgniter are straightforward processes. Much like working with PHP, installation takes only seconds! CodeIgniter comes equipped with only basic features, so to access more advanced capabilities, you must add external plugins from third parties.

Although they appear complex at first glance, these plugins are generally simpler to operate than their counterparts in other frameworks.


Experience in PHP or MVC is critical for understanding Laravel's functionalities; otherwise, it could be more challenging.

Beginners to Laravel may need help navigating its modules. You might also need help understanding folder structure; Laravel installation is more involved than CodeIgniter installation, so follow these instructions from its official documentation to simplify things for yourself.

Quickly Install Your Laravel Application.

Quickly Install Your Laravel Application.

Easy deployments, 24/7/365 Support, and Usage-Based Pricing will help you get your Laravel dynamic web application up and running fast.

Flexible Structure

Both Laravel and CodeIgniter use MVC as their framework. Both use the MVC structure but in different ways.


CodeIgniter was built to deliver top performance quickly in an environment designed for maximum usability, all within an efficient timeline.

Each step in its creation ensures usability across the board. CodeIgniter makes building MVC easier by being less rigid with MVC requirements; only its controller must be included as a mandatory component.

With OOP (object-oriented programming, or "base programming") programming allowing it, using CodeIgniter does not obligate MVC development exclusively, providing more design freedom.

CodeIgniter MVC allows data, presentation, and logic to exist independently. Furthermore, its components for managing emails, databases, and sessions make upgrades and maintenance much more straightforward than previous technologies.


Laravel framework workflow (Laravel is another PHP framework built upon MVC architecture. However, unlike CongeIgniter, it follows this style strictly, and thus, Larvel's internal operations and filing can support its MVC structures).

Process Description for Laravel Framework development can be straightforward. First, you create a table that generates a model. Interact with it using Controller files before outputting results via View files.

However, for those unfamiliar with MVC, it can prove challenging because its structure is an essential component in using Laravel.

Performance (Speed).

PHP Framework Performance Benchmark

PHP's speed may not be widely appreciated; CodeIgniter and Laravel frameworks, particularly, do not boast an impressive record of speedy performance.There are noticeable yet minor variations.

Are you still looking to improve your PHP performance? Try caching and database optimization strategies as ways of optimizing its operation.


CodeIgniter is lightweight and only needs a handful of libraries; any additional ones needed by its core system will only be loaded when requested - making the core faster and leaner than Laravel in speed and flexibility.

CodeIgniter offers faster execution rates than Laravel and can execute requests up to 20% quicker. CodeIgniter performance depends upon factors like concurrent users.


Laravel's execution time. Laravel is inherently slower than CodeIgniter; think of Laravel like an 18-wheel truck pulling heavy cargo over smooth terrain: don't mistake speed for strength! Optimizing Laravel can make its performance faster.

Improving Laravel's performance requires careful configuration and route caching. Limiting unused libraries and optimizing class-map, composer autoload, JIT compiler, and queue will enhance performance.

Error Handling

Error handling refers to how programs respond and recover from unexpected events within their programs and detect and correct application, communication, and programming errors that might otherwise arise.

CodeIgniter offers similar error-handling functionality as Laravel; however, notifications regarding logs differ between digital platforms.


CodeIgniter has a straightforward system for handling errors. The operating system displays errors only in the development, testing, and production environments.

This can be changed by setting a variable in the.env environment file.

CodeIgniter can generate three different types of messages.

  • Error message
  • Debug messages
  • Informational messages

CodeIgniter's error log allows you to store errors in text files. The error message is generated regardless of whether the function or class scope.


Laravel Error Handling. Laravel includes an error handling system that notifies you of an issue and logs all errors or exceptions before sending you a report with recommendations on what actions must be taken next.

Popularity Of The Job Market

Comparing CodeIgniter vs Laravel on Google Trends. CodeIgniter is one of the most frequently utilized PHP frameworks.

Every framework has a large following due to its significance; CodeIgniter stands out. Compare two job frameworks by their usage rates across platforms and communities.


According to several statistics, CodeIgniter is currently the second-most-popular PHP framework behind Laravel and boasts an 18.2-k rating on GitHub.

CodeIgniter has become the go-to platform for many large and acclaimed organizations, even those that may not initially see its utility.

Unified Infotech relies heavily on CodeIgniter; Zendesk and Space India utilize it, while Nissan and McClatchy rely on this framework.

ZipRecruiter salary data indicates that to hire remote codeigniter developer working in the US will typically make between $66,000 and $105,000 annually.


JetBrains' research indicates that Laravel is used by 50% of PHP skilled developers. Professionals find its stability and capability of managing complex systems particularly appealing.

Laravel has proven itself popular on social media and other online forums; for example, Laravel currently boasts 71.2k stars on GitHub to demonstrate this popularity.

Popular backend frameworks. Statistics and Data. (Image Credit: Statistics and Data.). Large organizations like Pfizer and BBC widely utilize Laravel for creating and maintaining their digital platforms, while it's also relied upon by popular apps like Laracasts and AsgardCMS.

Glassdoor reports that most Laravel talented Developers make between $83,000 and $166,000 annually.

Supporting Community

PHP has long been considered a safe technology. Many users rely on its frameworks. That is why the team of developers and users pay close attention to frameworks.

Their community has grown vast, offering support when necessary if asked. There's nothing complicated about it either; learn from other users while offering advice when necessary.


CodeIgniter offers extensive documentation covering and explaining most features, making its official website the go-to resource for support and education.

CodeIgniter communities exist on Facebook, Reddit Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn and boast thousands of members who regularly contribute PHP or CodeIgniter-related posts and content.

Joining these communities is an invaluable asset, whether you are new to CodeIgniter or an experienced developer; here, you'll be sure to find all the answers not covered by documentation alone.


Laravel boasts the largest community of PHP developers. This open-source framework boasts an active web developer population on platforms like GitHub, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

These community hubs provide Laravel advice and support, so if you work with Laravel, you will receive assistance - plus, they may assist others who might also benefit! If you want to learn how to use Laravel, start here - its official site offers an informative manual and is an excellent place for beginners.

Templates And APIs

CodeIgniter has a different philosophy for its template engine than Laravel, despite both frameworks being PHP.

They both share the same focus on APIs.


CodeIgniter comes equipped with its template engine - Template Parser class -making it possible to work with HTML or CSS files while supporting third-party template engines like Smarty or Twig.

CodeIgniter offers an API Response trait, which makes creating common responses simpler without knowing their respective HTTP status codes. Add it to any controller to get this feature working for your benefit!


Laravel includes a template engine called Blade that offers rich and simple syntax reminiscent of HTML markup.

Laravel utilizes this syntax, making the use of Blade far simpler and more consistent among other template engines than before. Laravel provides an easy scalable solution for API authentication by offering random tokens directly to users.

In your config/auth.php file, an API driver with tokens has already been defined. Laravel's resourceful controls simplify creating Restful APIs; create a resourceful controller route in routes/API, for example.

Which Is The Better Web Framework-Laravel Or Codeigniter-To Construct And Scale Your Project?

Which Is The Better Web Framework—Laravel Or Codeigniter—To Construct And Scale Your Project?

Here's the final word. It depends on what you're trying to achieve, the features that you need, and how experienced your developers are.

Consider two scenarios:

  • You want to create a simple, no-frills website.
  • You want to create a site that can scale.

CodeIgniter is your go-to option in situation A for three main reasons. First, its rapid development streamlined process ensures faster deployment time, while its improved search rankings allow faster Google indexing and more straightforward troubleshooting of errors.

CodeIgniter may differ from your go-to framework when creating websites supporting HTTP routes. If your situation fits within Situation B, Laravel would be an excellent solution as its multiple features allow users to create complex structures more efficiently.

CodeIgniter provides an accessible framework easier for in-house programmers to comprehend than more complex systems.

Estimate the costs associated with to hire Codeigniter developers.

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Experience In Using Laravel And Codeigniter By Startups & SMBS

Experience In Using Laravel And Codeigniter By Startups & SMBS

Expert Laravel developers at have experience working with both PHP frameworks. While both offer unique benefits, Laravel emerged victorious during our "Which Is Better: Laravel or CodeIgniter?" discussion due to its advanced features.

Furthermore, being more scalable makes Laravel the better choice for businesses.

As discussed above, your project needs will ultimately decide your framework selection. While both options offer helpful support for different kinds of work, mapping out project requirements and company goals is the best way to clarify the best.

Before hiring developers, you must consider several essential criteria irrespective of whether your website uses CodeIgniter, Laravel, or both platforms.

  • Will they be able to complete the project within the deadline specified?
  • Is the code of high quality?
  • Are you able to grow with your developers and their needs?
  • Are you able to communicate easily with your colleagues?
  • How experienced and knowledgeable are these developers?

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The Conclusion Of The Article Is:

This article is meant to assist in selecting an optimal PHP framework and what uses you may find it for. is here if Laravel or CodeIgniter seems beneficial.

Let us assist with developing web apps using these frameworks. Our web development dedicated team comprises web designers who are talented and experienced and take immense pleasure in what they create for clients.

If you want to start on your project right away and tap our pool of talent, tell us your project requirements today and begin work.

Full Stack Developer

Paul is a highly skilled Full Stack Developer with a solid educational background that includes a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Software Engineering, as well as a decade of hands-on experience. Certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and Agile Scrum Master bolster his knowledge. Paul's excellent contributions to the software development industry have garnered him a slew of prizes and accolades, cementing his status as a top-tier professional. Aside from coding, he finds relief in her interests, which include hiking through beautiful landscapes, finding creative outlets through painting, and giving back to the community by participating in local tech education programmer.

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